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Welcome to my newly designed blog! That goofy character up there in the banner is the main character in my newest favorite anime, Niea_7 (Nee-yah Under 7). She's a naughty, lazy, freeloading alien who sometimes collects junk with which she makes UFOs. Hehe. This design update was made on the last day of August. The 'Ber months are here! Christmas is around the corner!

Anyway, thanks to John's NieA_7 Shrine for the image!

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Wednesday, November 27, 2002

And so this is the final TTT poster. Hmmm...I still kinda like the teaser poster of Orthanc and Baradur. In any case, this one definitely rocks more than the collage-one with Liv Tyler's big mug.

Check out the AWESOME desktop downloads from the official site. Make sure you stop by "Inside the Effects" :)
And more LOTR news and what not from TORN.

20 days to goooooo... I can smell battle in the air.